sms_interactives – Bộ phần mềm dạy toán tương tác off-line của Mỹ.

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Seeing Math™ Secondary: Dynamic Interactive Software Makes Math Come to Life

Seeing Math™ has developed interactive software tools to clarify key mathematical ideas in middle and high school mathematics. Each interactive provides a real-time connection between representations of the mathematics (symbolic, graphical, etc.), so that changes in one representation instantly cause changes in the other. The interactives are accessible here or through our Seeing Math Secondary courses to:

  • Illustrate and reinforce key mathematical ideas for teachers and students of algebra.
  • Accelerate learning and enhance comprehension of difficult concepts.
  • Allow users to save images of the interactive and share them with other participants.

You can now run our interactives directly from our Molecular Workbench software. Run the interactives now.

Sample Activity (.pdf) Qualitative Grapher

Highlight the meaning of a function, and see how it can be seen as something changing over time, with this tool that links a motion model to a graph.

User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)

Piecewise Linear Grapher

Highlight the language of domain and range, and the ideas of continuity and discontinuity, with this tool that links symbolic and graphic representations of each interval of a piecewise linear function.

User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)
Linear TransformerHighlight the meaning of each component of a linear function’s symbolic expression with this tool that links symbolic and graphic representations of translating (dragging) a line vertically or horizontally, rotating it around a fixed point, or reflecting it around the x- or y-axis.
User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)
Function AnalyzerHighlight the rationale behind symbolic operations used to solve a linear equation with this tool that displays changes in the graphic and area models of functions as you change the value of each symbolic element.
User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)
Quadratic TransformerHighlight the meaning of each component of a quadratic function’s symbolic expression with this tool that links symbolic and graphic representations of translating (dragging) a parabola vertically or horizontally, dilating it, or reflecting it around the x- or y-axis.
User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)
System Solver

Highlight how symbolic operations on a system of linear equations do (or do not) change the graphic or tabular representations of the system.

Note that the System Solver is a tool intended to illustrate the rationale behind the symbolic operations used to solve systems of linear equations, and not a way to learn what procedures to follow.

User’s Guide
Sample Activity (.pdf)
Plop It!

Highlight how changing a data set affects the mean, median, and mode with this tool (created by The Shodor Education Foundation and modified by The Concord Consortium) that allows you to add and delete data graphically.

User’s Guide
Sample Activity(.pdf)
ProportionerHighlight proportion and scale with this tool that allows you to compare image dimensions by using one image to “p